February is CTAE Month! We appreciate all the CTAE Faculty and Staff who make our programs possible. CTAE puts theory into practice with hands-on, project-based learning. #BeTheBestYOU #NEMS #4theT #CTAEdelivers @tiftschoolsCTAE
12 months ago, Amber Spivey
District Parent Meeting: Protect Your Child from Cyberbullying February 22, 2024 at 5:30pm at Administrative Office Reunion de padres: Projeta a su hijo del ciberacoso 22 February 2024 a las 5:30pm a Oficina Administrativa #BeTheBestYOU #NEMS #4theT
12 months ago, Amber Spivey
Every story matters, and every story deserves the chance to be heard! This #WorldReadAloudDay, join us and @litworldsays to celebrate diverse stories from all around the globe and #TellEveryStory! #4theT
12 months ago, Dana Spurlin
World Read Aloud Day
PreK Registration for the 24-25 school year is now open. Space is limited so don't wait! Student MUST be 4 years old on or before September 1, 2024 to register. Questions\?? :Call Central Registration at (229) 387-2424. #4theT
12 months ago, Dana Spurlin
PreK Registration Is Now Open
ATTENTION parents of students in 5th - 11th grade interested in cheerleading for the 2024-2025 school year...plan to attend this upcoming parent meeting! Date: February 5th Time: 6:00pm Location: TCHS Commons Contact coaches with questions. #4theT
12 months ago, Dana Spurlin
Cheer Tryout Information
Mr. Caleb Rice, Assistant Principal at Northeast Middle School, was awarded The Mike Campbell Emerging Leader Award from GAMSP. This award is given in recognition of emerging leaders and their service to middle grades education by way of leadership. He was not able to attend the Fall conference and received this award during the GAMSP business meeting at Winter GAEL. We are very proud of Mr. Rice and his leadership. #4theT
12 months ago, Dana Spurlin
Caleb Rice Mike Campbell Emerging Leader Award
The GaDOE is asking for information from families raising a student with a disability. This feedback provides meaningful data to help us better serve our students. See images for additional information. https://survey.gadoe.org/SPEDParentSurvey/Pages/ParentSurvey.aspx #4theT
12 months ago, Dana Spurlin
Sped Survey English
Sped Survey Spanish
On Wednesday, January 24, 2024, the Local School Governance Team at NEMS met at 12:30pm. Attached are the meeting notes. #4theT #NEMS #BeTheBestYOU
12 months ago, Amber Spivey
🤖On Saturday 1/20, our NEMS Blue Devil Robotics teams took 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 7th places at the FAMU Regional Robotics tournament in Tallahassee! So proud of all of our kiddos for representing the "T" with a focus on teamwork and good sportsmanship! #BeTheBestYOU #NEMS #4theT
12 months ago, Amber Spivey
**PLEASE SHARE** PreK Registration for the 24-25 school year opens February 1st. Don't wait, space is limited! On March 4th any available spaces will be opened for out of county residents. Student MUST be 4 years old on or before September 1, 2024. #4theT
12 months ago, Dana Spurlin
PreK Registration
Congratulations One Voice! They placed 3rd in their division with Gavin Carlson winning Best Soloist within a Show. Caroline Womack was also recognized as a Finalist in the Solo Competition. Good luck to our High School Show Choirs, as they compete today. #4theT
12 months ago, Dana Spurlin
One Voice
Show Choira
Congratulations to the members of the 2024 Middle School Tennis Teams. Their first match will be February 12th where they will play Valdosta and Coffee at Valdosta beginning at 3:00pm. #4theT
12 months ago, Dana Spurlin
MIddle School Tennis
🚚In Social Studies, our 6th Grade students learned about the factors of production: natural resources, capital goods, human capital and entrepreneurship. To show understanding, students had had to categorize the productive resources needed to make a Rice Krispies Treat and then had to create a timeline detailing the steps involved in making the treats from start to finish including how the treats get to the grocery stores. Students were able to enjoy their sweet treat at the end of their project! #BeTheBestYOU #NEMS #4theT
12 months ago, Amber Spivey
You are invited to attend the Local School Governance Team Meeting on Wednesday, January 24 at 12:30pm. The meeting will be held in the Conference Room at Northeast Middle School. Please check in at the front office to attend. #4theT #NEMS #BeTheBestYOU
12 months ago, Amber Spivey
The Tift County Blue Devil Robotics Team won the top award at the Vex IQ robotics tournament in Covington this weekend. This qualifies them to participate in the state event held in McDonough on Feb 11th. #4theT
12 months ago, Dana Spurlin
Blue Devil Robotics
Our FBLA traveled to Southern Regional today for our Region Competition! Business Math: Ivy Zhu placed 2nd Digital Citizenship: Kayla Boone placed 2nd and Asaiah Chaney placed 3rd Elevator Speech: Katie Gomez placed 1st Exploring Computer Science: Rudra Patel placed 1st Intro to Business Communication: Elizabeth Crawford placed 1st Public Speaking: Brady Sellars placed 1st Social Media Concepts: Minisha Khatiwada placed 2nd Buisness Math: Sophia Brundage placed 3rd Career Exploration: Tyler Trupia placed 3rd #BeTheBestYOU #NEMS #4theT
12 months ago, Amber Spivey
📔Yearbooks are now on sale! The price of yearbooks are now $40 until March 1st. Pay by cash or check to Mr. Saturday in D1. Pay online by going to www.yearbookordercenter.com and enter code 1236. #BeTheBestYOU #NEMS #4theT
12 months ago, Amber Spivey
Social Media is a huge part of our lives. Review tips on how to use social media in a positive and safe manner. Las redes sociales son una gran parte de nuestras vidas. Revise consejos sobre cómo utilizar las redes sociales de manera positiva y segura. #BeTheBestYOU
12 months ago, Amber Spivey
Social Media
Social Media
Congratulations to the Middle School Wrestling Team - State Champions AGAIN! #3peat #backtobacktoback #4theT
about 1 year ago, Dana Spurlin
Middle School Wrestling State Champions
⚖️Our 8th Grade Physical Science students began their Matter Unit! It will be full of hands-on learning experiences this semester. They began by learning to measure and calculate mass of a variety of objects. #BeTheBestYOU #NEMS #4theT
about 1 year ago, Amber Spivey