Students in Mrs. Alexander’s Forensic Science class created several different footwear impression techniques to learn how impression evidence is used at crime scenes. #BTTY #4theT
More TCHS staff birthdays! #BTTY #4theT
Staff Spotlight! #BTTY #4theT
Staff Spotlight! #BTTY #4theT
Students in Mrs. Alexander’s Forensic Science class used a variety of toys, household objects, and creativity to build mini crime scene scenarios . #BTTY #4theT
Business Communications students participated in mock interviews with community members and teachers. Community members Jessica Gandy and Gina Nelson and teachers Mr. Owen, Mr. Johnson, and Mrs. Thorne helped conduct these interviews. Students were able to get gain practice and experience for a real job interview.
Congratulations to senior Alyssa Tyson for winning the STATE floral design competition! #BTTY #4theT
TCHS Staff Birthdays! #BTTY #4theT
Don't forget that Friday, December 16th is an early release day. All schools will release 3 1/2 hours prior to normal dismissal time. #4theT
Congratulations to these TCHS staff members. They were voted December Staff of the Month. #BTTY #4theT
Mrs. Blaire Hill's Human Anatomy class used synthetic urine to practice reading urinalysis results to diagnose fictional patients. They also learned how to read a hydrometer! #BTTY #4theT
Mrs. Blaire Hill's Human Anatomy class learned about the digestive system by simulating digestion between bread and water using Ziploc bags. They also demonstrated digestion by moving a tennis ball down a stocking. #BTTY #4theT
Congratulations to these students; they were chosen as TCHS' November Students of the Month! #BTTY #4theT
Tift County High School CTI students had a wonderful time at Fall Leadership Conference! Students played, laughed, competed, met new friends, and attended excellent leadership sessions. Great Wolf Lodge did not disappoint. #CTIyoubelong #BTTY #4theT
We are aware of multiple reports of active shooter events throughout the state this morning. At this point, there is no credible evidence that any events have actually occurred. As always, we will remain vigilant as the safety and security of our students and staff is of the utmost importance. #4theT
The Tift County Show Choirs present their 2022 Christmas Spectacular - Friday, December 9th & Saturday, December 10th at 6:30pm in the Performing Arts Center at TCHS. Admission is $10. #4theT
Happy Thanksgiving to our Blue Devil family from the Stone Family. Make today BTTY!
Staff Spotlight! #BTTY #4theT
Teachers around the district were selected as this year's Teachers of Excellence and were surprised by members of their families and Administrative Office staff as they were tapped by representatives from the Tift County Foundation for Educational Excellence. TCHS had two teachers tapped, Mrs. Jennifer Alexander and Mr. Peter Pinnow. Congratulations to these deserving recipients! #BTTY #4theT
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