National Technical Honor Society
Advisers Dr. Melissa Busbin, Ms. Ann Marie Day, Dr. Donald Gilman
Tift County High School Chapter
I. Preamble
Believing that outstanding student effort and achievement should be rewarded and encouraged, and seeking to cultivate the ideals of scholastic excellence, service and leadership in our citizens of tomorrow, the governing officers of the National Technical Honor Society have established this organization for the promotion of these ideals.
II. Purpose
a) to promote the ideals of honesty, service, leadership, and skill development among America’s future workforce;
b) to reward scholastic achievement in career and technical education;
c) to assist Society Members in their pursuit of career and educational goals;
d) to help to build and maintain a stronger, more positive image for career and technical students, programs and schools in the local community and throughout the nation;
e) to encourage the practice of high standards of personal and professional conduct and individual responsibility among the membership;
f) to help member schools to initiate and maintain strong working partnerships with local institutions of business, industry and commerce;
g) to hold conferences, workshops and seminars for the education and mutual improvement of the members and to provide opportunity for the exchange of ideas and experiences through meetings, publications and research;
h) to advance the growth and ideals of the Society throughout the United States of America.
III. NTHS Standards of Conduct:
As a member of the National Technical Honor Society, I pledge to: Maintain the highest standard of personal and professional conduct at all times; Strive for excellence in all aspects of my education and employment; Refuse to engage in or condone activities for personal gain at the expense of my fellow students, my school or my employer; Support the intents and purposes of NTHS while working to achieve the objectives and goals of the society; and Uphold obligations as a citizen of my community and my country. Members should be trustworthy, honest and responsible student-citizens who have made a personal commitment to excellence and who agree to uphold NTHS Standards of Conduct.
VI. Membership Candidate Requirements
· Meet local and national membership standards,
· Be approved by the local administration.
· Must be a sophomore, junior, or senior.
· Must have an overall 3.0 GPA (unweighted) for their ENTIRE academic record.
· Must have an overall 3.0 GPA specifically for all their high school CTAE courses.
· Must be focused on a CTAE pathway.
· Must have completed 2 courses in a pathway.
· Must submit one faculty recommendation/nomination from a current Tift County High school CTAE teacher.
· Must be an active member of a CTSO.
· Must have 5 hours of Community Service/Volunteerism.
· Members are to maintain a good attendance record and should not have truancy or multiple unexcused absences
· Discipline Record Check – Members should not receive any major office referrals or have any suspensions
Applications from student member candidates will be evaluated based on this criteria by NTHS advisers, Dr. Fred Rayfield, CTAE Administrator and Mrs. Melissa Busbin, Primary Adviser
V. Member Skills and Abilities
· Demonstrate scholastic achievement
· Show progress in skill and knowledge development
· Exhibit pride in their skills and the work they do
· Demonstrate honesty, responsibility and dependability
· Work well with others
· Show leadership and good citizenship
VI. Maintaining Active Membership
· Maintain all guidelines as listed in section V.-Membership Candidate Requirements
· Attend NTHS meetings
· Participate in NTHS activities and community service events
· Pay membership dues
VII. Membership Dues
· Induction Fee: $30.00 –One time fee set by National Office for NTHS membership
· Yearly Local Dues: $5.00 ,per year from the induction period paid by 1 October of each of each year.
VIII. Meetings
Meetings will be held monthly. Repeated missed meetings may lead to membership termination.
IX. Graduation Honor Requirements
Members must have attended 90% of meetings.
Members that have accumulated the required community services hours and participated in the NTHS chapter service projects will be eligible for graduation regalia.
X. Officers
The officers will be President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Media Liaison. Officers will be elected by the membership and will hold the position for one year. Elections will occur in the spring semester.
XI. Duties of the Chapter Officers
a. President – The president will preside at all meetings, appoint committees and shall represent the chapter at official organization gatherings. The president shall coordinate with the chapter advisor(s) and with the chapter executive committee to supervise the local chapter, determine policy and conduct the general activities of the chapter. The president will hold officer meetings to create agenda and plan the chapter yearly calendar of events.
b. Vice-President – The vice-president shall service in the president’s absence, act as general assistant to the president and chair the executive committee. The vice-president will ensure committee progress and report progress to president and advisors.
c. Secretary – The secretary should keep all chapter records, minutes and carry on the correspondence of the local chapter in a timely manner. The secretary will provide minute reports to executive committee and advisors.
d. Treasurer – The treasurer shall maintain the financial records of the local chapter under the supervision of the chapter advisors. The treasurer is responsible for collecting dues and coordination of financial transactions in accordance to district/local policy.
e. The Executive Committee shall be made up of the chapter officers and the chapter advisors. The purpose of this committee is to oversee the general management of the local chapter.
XII. Official Emblem, Insignia, Colors and Motto
a. Colors – The colors of the National Technical Honor Society shall be silver, white and purple.
b. Official Emblem – The official emblem of the organization shall be a shield crossed by a scroll bearing the letter “NTHS”. Above the shield shall be the head of the American Bald Eagle with a wreath of seven stars circling the eagle’s head.
c. Official Insignia – The official insignia has an arch upon which the seven attributes of the membership, the year the society was established and with the motto of the insignia inscribed on the foundation of the arch.
Official Motto – The official motto of the organization shall be: “Felicitas Menti Instructae