Our Blue Devil Middle school tennis team did a great job today at our Conference tournament. Our girls made it to the Semi's and our boys won Region.
Dr. Bradford’s class celebrated Pi day by using toilet paper to demonstrate how to find Pi by dividing the circumference of there class circle by the diameter .
Mrs. Rousey’s kids participate in Socratic Seminar to discuss research for their argumentative essays on the fairness of the legal justice system.
Mrs. Carpenter's students demonstrated their understanding of rhetorical appeals (ethos, pathos, logos) by taking a candy bar then giving it a new name and designing a new wrapper.
Congratulations to Ms. Regina Rogers for being Tapped as a TCFEE TAPS 2022 Teacher of Excellence! We are so proud!!
Tift County Young Writers entries are due by April 15th.
Boys and girls track practice for this afternoon has been canceled.
I found out about this excellent opportunity at Wednesday's Tift County Commission for Children and Youth meeting! Please share it if you know folks who might be interested!
Sports that have been canceled due to rain on 03/09/2022: Tennis, Soccer, Track, Baseball
03/23/2022 LSGT Agenda
Happy School Social Worker Week to one of the best. Thank you Mrs. Swift for all you do to keep our kids safe.
The Tift County Show Choirs will perform their competition shows one last time tonight at the 2022 Show Choir Showcase. The show begins at 6:30pm at the TCHS PAC. Can't make it? The show can also be seen via live stream at https://youtu.be/oY4NC2R7Rr0. #4theT
LSGT Meeting March 23rd
Students in 7th grade ELA classes are working on a cross-curricular project. Students are learning research skills as they research and create a presentation on an endangered species.
Click here https://www.facebook.com/NEMiddle/photos/pcb.4984371044942865/4984370761609560/ to the latest pictures from Track Meet
Saturday we will welcome 20 middle and high school show choirs from across the southeast for the Peach State Invitational. The event will begin at 8:30am at the TCHS PAC and will continue throughout the day. You can watch via live stream at https://youtu.be/QnHbP2SSvng.
Feb Student of the Month Breakfast will be on March 24th at 9:00am.
Please make sure Understanding Harassment opt out forms are returned by March 11 if you wish to exempt students from participating.
See an FFA member or Ashlyn Reeves to purchase Cow Patty Bingo tickets.
Middle School Cheer Tryouts Sign Up form - https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeuY2-7fx7RdstpErm0M-IYJo5qIv4eiy4n6OMAKb30io17ZA/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1&flr=0
Congratulations to our Support Staff of the month - Mrs. Rebecca Dickey