Student of the Month breakfast will be on April 28 for March students of the month at 9:00 am.
almost 3 years ago, Heather Bishoff
Northeast Middle School is having a Parent Input Meeting on April 19th at 5:30. This is to collect input for the annual review & revision of the Parent/School Compact and the Parent/School Policy-Plan. Please join us!
almost 3 years ago, Stan Smith
Parent Input Flyer
Happy Assistant Principal Week! Thank you for all you do for our teachers and students.
almost 3 years ago, Heather Bishoff
Assistant Principal Week
Assistant Principal Week
Assistant Principal Week
Assistant Principal Week
LSGT Minutes from 03-23-22
almost 3 years ago, Heather Bishoff
LSGT Minutes 3-23
LSGT Minutes 3-23
LSGT Minutes 3-23
Congratulations to our February Students of the Month.
almost 3 years ago, Heather Bishoff
February Students of the Month
Congratulations to our Staff of the Month - Mrs. Ramirez
almost 3 years ago, Heather Bishoff
Mrs. Ramirez Support Staff of the Month
Congratulations to our February Teacher of the Month - Mr. Vickery
almost 3 years ago, Heather Bishoff
Mr. Vickery Teacher of the Month
Individual Student of the Month Pictures have been posted on our School Facebook Page.
almost 3 years ago, Heather Bishoff
NEMS Student of the Month
Join us LIVE for our Student of the Month ceremony.
almost 3 years ago, Heather Bishoff
Don't miss our FFA plant sale.
almost 3 years ago, Heather Bishoff
FFA Plant Sale
Don't forget to BUY a yearbook!! You won't want to miss it! See Mrs. Rousey Rm A1; price is $45. The yearbook team has worked so hard and diligently! They have shown great creative abilities, leadership, and tenacity and it is finally off to the printers!!!
almost 3 years ago, Heather Bishoff
Yearbooks for Sale
Yearbook Team
Yearbook Team
Thomas He won first place at the Kiwanis Art and Talent Showcase. He played a wonderful piece on the piano.
almost 3 years ago, Heather Bishoff
Thomas He - 1st place
Congratulations to our 2022-2023 Competition Cheer Team!!
almost 3 years ago, Heather Bishoff
2022-2023 Competition Cheer Roster
Contact Mrs. Bishoff in the Media Center ( if you would like to join our Jr. Tome Reading Club next year and attend TomeCon.
almost 3 years ago, Heather Bishoff
Jr. TomeBook Club
4H will be meeting in the Media Center this month on the attached dates.
almost 3 years ago, Heather Bishoff
March 4H Meetings
Our Jr Tome Reading Club had a great time at TomeCon meeting authors and learning about what it takes to publish a book!! Contact Mrs. Bishoff in the Media Center to get free books and join in on the fun for next years.
almost 3 years ago, Heather Bishoff
2022 TomeCon
2022 TomeCon
2022 TomeCon
2022 TomeCon
Mrs. York’s class celebrated Pi day on 3-14 by exploring the value of Pi with their plates, cups, and pie pans. After exploring those things they got to celebrate and enjoy a slice of real pie!
almost 3 years ago, Heather Bishoff
Pi Day
Pi Day
Pi Day
Pi Day
Our FFA Chapter Conduct team competed at the Area V competition yesterday. These students have to compete in opening and closing ceremonies, and demonstrate proper Parliamentary Procedure. Good luck to them as we wait to hear results!
almost 3 years ago, Heather Bishoff
Tift Middle FFA
More Pictures from our Tiger Rising PBIS movie reward.
almost 3 years ago, Heather Bishoff
PBIS Movie Reward
PBIS Movie Reward
PBIS Movie Reward
PBIS Movie Reward
6th Grade Girls enjoying the Tiger Rising movie as their PBIS reward for this 9 weeks.
almost 3 years ago, Heather Bishoff
PBIS reward party
PBIS reward party
PBIS reward party
PBIS reward party