Our commitment to student safety and well-being is demonstrated by our commitment to staff each building with a dedicated clinic staff member. These healthcare professionals are available to address immediate medical needs and ensure a healthy learning environment for all students. #SafetyFirst #4theT
4 months ago, Dana Spurlin
Safety First
📃Your weekly NEMS news briefing is here for the week of September 23!📃#northeastmiddle #bluedevilsnation #tiftcounty #letsgobluedevils
4 months ago, Heather Gruver
student and family newsletter
Fall chorus concerts are coming up this Tuesday and Thursday! Be prepared with your clear bag when you enter the PAC. This new policy applies to all Tift County events not just sporting events. #4theT
4 months ago, Dana Spurlin
Fall Concerts
Clear Bag Policy
🏃‍♀️🏃‍♂️ Yesterday was an exciting day for our Middle School teams at the Tiftarea Panther Prowl Cross Country Meet! Katherine Currie took 1st place in the girls' race, and our girls' team finished 4th overall! 🏅 On the boys side, they finished 1st overall with THREE boys placing in the top 10! Congrats to Rylan Nelson, Kallen Lukas, and William Maxwell for their outstanding performances! #4theT
4 months ago, Dana Spurlin
Middle School Cross Country
Tifton Police Department has increased police presence around all Tift County Schools. During the month of August, Tifton Police Department issued 67 speeding citations in speed zones. School zone enforcement ensures the safety of our students, staff, and families as they enter and exit our campuses. We appreciate our First Responders and all they do for our community! #SafetyFirst #4theT
4 months ago, Dana Spurlin
Safety First
Our commitment to student safety extends to the digital world. That's why we use software like Bark on all Chromebooks. Such services alert us to potential issues like cyberbullying, online predators, suicidal ideation, and threats of violence. #SafetyFirst #4theT
4 months ago, Dana Spurlin
Safety First
✏️REMINDER! REMINDER! Our next LSGT meeting is Wednesday, September 25 at 12:30 PM. Anyone is welcome to attend. #NEMSLSGT #NEMSbluedevils #bluedevilsnation #northeastmiddleschool #letsgobluedevils ✏️
4 months ago, Heather Gruver
LSGT meeting announcement
meeting announcement
meeting agenda
Tift County Schools is committed to the safety of our students! That's why at the start of every school year, we practice bus evacuation drills, ensuring students and staff are well-prepared to respond effectively in case of an emergency. #SafeTyFirst #4theT
4 months ago, Dana Spurlin
Safety First
Softball Update Our middle school Lady Devils are on 🔥, moving to 9-0 in the region with a 7-2 victory over Lowndes today! Catch them in action next Tuesday and Wednesday at home, then on the road at Hahira on Thursday. Let’s keep the momentum going, ladies! 💙🥎
4 months ago, Dana Spurlin
ms softball score
Final Score Update Our Tift County 8th Grade Blue Devils fought hard today but came up short against Hahira. The final score was Tift 6 - Hahira 12. Keep your heads up, Blue Devils, and let's bounce back stronger in the next game! 💙🏈
4 months ago, Dana Spurlin
8th grade final score
🏈 Middle School Football Update 🏈 Yesterday’s 6th-grade game was postponed, but our 7th-grade Blue Devils gave it their all, ending with a final score of Tift 0 - Hahira 12. Let’s keep cheering them on! #4theT
4 months ago, Dana Spurlin
7th grade final score
🏫Yesterday, our student council members took a field trip to the high school to celebrate Constitution Day! #NEMSStuCo #nemsbluedevils #bluedevilsnation #futureleaders #ConstitutionDay🏫 *Constitution Day commemorates the formation and signing of the U.S. Constitution by thirty-nine brave men on September 17, 1787*
4 months ago, Heather Gruver
Our commitment to student safety extends to the digital world. That's why we use content filtering on all Chromebooks to protect students from harmful and inappropriate online content. #SafeTyFirst #4theT
4 months ago, Dana Spurlin
Safety First
🏆 Victory Alert! 🏆 Our Middle School Softball team took down Colquitt today with an impressive 8-1 win! 💥 Still undefeated in the region, these girls are on fire! 🔥 Up next, they face Lowndes Middle tomorrow at 4:00 PM. 🥎💙
4 months ago, Dana Spurlin
middle school final score
Our school vestibules act as a secure buffer zone, adding an extra layer of protection for our students and staff. All visitors must be cleared through the vestibule before entering the main building. #SafetyFirst #4theT
4 months ago, Dana Spurlin
Safety First
We are thrilled to announce that nearly 85 students applied to be part of the Superintendent's Student Advisory Council! These students stepped up to represent their peers and be a voice for their school communities. With the application deadline now closed, we begin the process of reviewing applications and letters of recommendation. The selected council members will be announced on Monday, September 30th. Stay tuned! #4theT
4 months ago, Dana Spurlin
🖥️Our future engineers in action. Students in Mr. Saturday's class using computer-aided design to create 3D models centered around life science concepts.🖥️ #NEMS #nemsengineering #nemsbluedevils #nemscrosscurricular #bluedevilsnation #tiftcountybluedevils
4 months ago, Heather Gruver
The safety of our students and staff is non-negotiable. That's why we have AEDs (Automated External Defibrillators) at every school campus. These life-saving devices can make a critical difference in the event of a cardiac emergency. #SafetyFirst #4theT
4 months ago, Dana Spurlin
Safety First
We have had a few middle school schedule changes this week: -Today's MS Softball game @ Colquitt has been moved to Wednesday -8th grade football game on Thursday will be played at the TCHS mini stadium at 4pm Visit athletics.tiftschools.com for the latest information. #4theT
4 months ago, Dana Spurlin
Middle school schedule changes
You are invited to attend the Local School Governance Team Meeting on Wednesday, September 25, 2024 at 12:30PM. The meeting will be held in the Conference Room at Northeast Middle School. Please check in at the front office to attend. #NEMS #NEMSLSGT #bluedevilsnation #tiftcounty
4 months ago, Heather Gruver
LSGT MEETING Announcement