Students enjoyed a yummy Oreo Moon Phases lab today in Ms. Johnson’s class
Picture day will be October 22 - make sure to dress up nice for the yearbook!
Click this link to fill out the T.A.L.K. Youth Leadership Program application.
Gymnastic Team Informational Meeting. Click for details.
Congratulations to our NEMS Student Council Officers pictured L-R!
Taliyah Pittman--President
Ja'Mayah Romer--Vice President
Breyonna Powell--Secretary
Emily Castillo--Treasurer
The data in this update is for the reporting period of 10/8/2021 - 10/14/2021. For the most recent report from the Department of Public Health, as well as other information, visit #4theT
Click to see the announcement for the 10-27 LSGT Meeting.
Please see the agenda for our 10-27 LSGT Meeting.
Congratulations to these NEMS FFA students who spent their fall break showing their livestock projects. Each of them placed, and represented our FFA Chapter well! Good job guys!
Emma Thompson- Placed 2nd in her class of Simmental Steers
Taylor Sutton- Placed 2nd in her class of Crossbred Steers
Glaven Stone- Reserve Grand Champion with his wether
Northeast Middle School is wild about school nutrition🐆🦓🐅🐘🦒 #4theT #FuelingGA #Schoolnutritionweek
The FBLA club attended their 2021 state conference at the Georgia National Fair in Perry. While attending they learned about the power of a smile and simple “hello”. The FBLA club is advised by NEMS Business teacher, Ken Shealy.
Attention Blue Devil Football Fans...The Blue Devil football team is back at Brodie Field tomorrow night as they welcome the Lowndes County Vikings. Please be sure and review our
Blue Devil Football Game Regulations ! We look forward to seeing everyone at the game! #4theT
Parents and families, "Family Fun Day" is an event that will be happening at Fulwood Park on Saturday, October 23rd. Put it on your calendar!
Parents please view the information about the end of year field trips for 6th, 7th, and 8th grade. Permission slip forms will be sent home with students, you can also print the picture of the form on this announcement and send it in completed.
Plight Tutoring Services is a free service located at NEMS on Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 3:30-5:30? Certified teachers work with small groups of students on homework, missing assignments, and study skills. Applications are located with each teacher, school office, or room A-4. Students will need to be picked up from the front of the school at 5:30. Any questions can be emailed to Dr. Bradford at
The data in this update is for the reporting period of 10/01/2021 to 10/07/2021. (Fall Break is included in these dates.) For the most recent report from the Dept. of Public Health, as well as other information, visit #4theT
Middle school boys and girls cross country teams are the Big 5 Region Champions! Back on top where we belong! #4theT #bethebestyou
Check out the 4-H newsletter at this link.
Head's Up! Be on the look out parents and families! This little clip is a reminder that the Parent/Family Engagement Policy Plan and the Parent-School Compact for 2021-2022 are coming out soon!
Congratulations to our teachers who received Admin Awards for supporting the T today.