Student Council is making Christmas Cards and gifts bags for some local residents at Assisted Living.
Mrs. Carpenter's class created visual representations of the antagonist "IT", from the book A Wrinkle in Time, and analyzed IT's character traits using the acronym S(Speech) T (thoughts) E (Effect on others)
A (Actions) L (Looks).
HOSA club members helping the local Toys for Tots with their annual toy drive.
Grades 6-8 Parent Meeting TONIGHT! 5:30-6:30 in the lunchroom!
"Your Pie" pizza and drinks provided!
Hope you'll come out and join us!
Teachers pause to analyze student assessment data to help our students #bethebestyou.
The Tift County Show Choirs will host their annual Christmas Spectacular this Friday and Saturday at 6:30pm at the TCHS PAC. Admission is $10.
The students who participated in the region testing had a fun day at Northeast Middle School. First, they took regional tests in a variety of areas including Career Exploration, Computer Science, Digital Citizenship, and Microsoft Office Concepts. After completing their exams the students participated in a Pizza Social with their fellow members and then organized and loaded coats from our FBLA Coat Drive for delivery to our local homeless shelter. The students collected 37 coats which were delivered yesterday after school. We would like to also give a big Thank You to Mrs. Johnson who allowed us to participate in the activities.
Congratulations to Team Batman for winning the NEM Candy Land door decorating contest!!! You can view everyone's pictures and pictures of our judges here
Don't miss the Northeast Middle School Parent Meeting this Thursday at 5:30 pm!
It has been re-located to the lunchroom and supper will be served!
Hope to see you there!
The data in this update is for the reporting period of 11/30/2021 - 12/2/2021. For the most recent report from the Department of Public Health, as well as other information, visit #4theT
Thank you TCHS Metal Department for taking care of the T at Northeast Middle! 💙
This article offers some good advice on how to help your middle school student build confidence and character!
Please see the attached information for Soccer Tryouts.
Congratulations to our November Students of the Month
Congratulation to our November Teacher of the Month, Melisa King.
Congratulations to our November Support Staff of the Month - Pam Morrow.
The Tift County Choral Program presents this year's Middle School Christmas Concerts. The ESMS concert is tonight and the NEMS concert is Thursday. Both performances will begin at 6:30 pm at the TCHS PAC. Admission is $7.
Our November Student of the Month Live Stream will begin shortly.
Don't forget to make plans to attend our Parent Meeting on Thurs., Dec. 9th! We will have a short presentation about Parent/Teacher conferences & how you can best prepare for them! This will be especially useful as we finish the first semester & get ready for the second semester!
All Tift County schools and offices will be closed November 22 - 26. We are THANKFUL for our Blue Devil Nation! #4theT