01/19/2022 LSGT Minutes can be viewed at https://docs.google.com/document/d/1NGwLgb0UIsjqEcpNJsohqcPI6pcUYjnBFk_3XOgWnl8/
Healthcare students at Northeast Middle School learning about the human airway and practicing intubation.
Students on Team Black Panther had the opportunity to spread the love this Valentines Day by making cards for patients at Tift Regional Hospital. Team Black Panther made over 70 cards for nurses to deliver to their patients! Awesome job, students!
Book Fair Parent Night will be Tuesday, Feb 15th, 2022 from 4:00 to 6:00. For every family member you bring when you purchase something, you will get an entry into our raffle we have been showing on our school news.
The BookFair is here!!!! Monday is anyone can shop day as long as they have a passed money.
Tuesday: 6th grade shops with ELA teacher
Wednesday: 8th grade shops with ELA Teacher
Thursday: 7th grade shops with ELA teacher.
Parents and students, please help us raise heart health awareness by participating in our American Heart Association activities. We will have activities during ELT for the next two weeks and encourage you to register at heart.org/AHC to register for the Heart Challenge.
Monday starts Nation Wide FFA Week!! Help us raise awareness of the National FFA Program, and develop future leaders and Ag Education by dressing up for FFA Week!
This article offers some great points about the importance of parent/teacher communication!
Attention 8th Grade Parents!!! The portal is now open for you to sign off on your child's 9th Grade Classes. Please sign off before the portal closes on the 16th. You can view this video for more information : https://bit.ly/Tift9thReg
Our January Student of the Month Ceremony will be on February 25th.
Congratulations to our 2022 Girls Track Team!!
Our teachers enjoyed grazing for treat off the 2-2-22 table today!! We appreciate all you do!!!
E-Sports tournament Feb 4th - 6th.
Teachers don’t forget to come get your 2222 Out of the BLUE Because we appreciate YOU treats in the media center today!!!
Congratulations to our GA Writing Competition Winners!!!!
6th Grade - Savannah Denham from Mrs. Thompson's Class, 7th Grade - Bell Watson from Mrs. Delk's Class, 8th Grade - Tiffany Baird from Mrs. Carpenter's Class.
Here is a virtual event on February 9th for parents and students who are interested.
A wonderful article by author & journalist, Judith Warner. Her ideas and experiences speak volumes! Take a look!
2022 Middle School Tennis Schedule
2 weeks and 1 day until our Fall Scholastic Book Fair!!!!!!! Go ahead and check out our interactive flyer to see what will be there and even a few book trailers! https://bookfairsfiles.scholastic.com/flippingbooks/S22/S22-MS-Case-Booklist/S22_MS_Case_Booklist.html#p=6